Welcome summer, oh how much we’ve missed you! Refreshing swimming pools, the smell of fresh cut grass, and the warmth of the sun on your face are just some of the reasons why we love this time of the year. With the warm temperatures, sunny skies, and longer days, now is the perfect time to plan activities for you and your loved ones. Here are a few ideas to get outside with a senior this summer.


Put on your sunglasses and a favorite sun hat before heading to the backyard or the closest park with grilling areas. Stop by the store to pick up your favorite cut of meat, some veggies to grill, and don’t forget the buns. Not only is the vitamin D good for seniors, a barbecue is also something your loved one is sure to enjoy – especially when paired with a great steak! After you finish eating challenge your friends and family to a game of bocce ball, croquet, or any other game suitable for seniors. Don’t want to grill? Picnicking is another options with the same positive effect.

Who doesn’t want to enjoy a meal outdoors with the ones they love?

Field Trips

Visit a museum, go to your closest state park, or just go out for a treat. Be a tourist in your own city or go and visit a place you or your loving one have never been before. It could be a weekend or just a couple of hours, depending on how busy your schedule is, but taking your family on a trip, is something they’ll appreciate. You don’t even need to drive, a boat trip is always a fun activity and a great way to enjoy the sun — and maybe take a dip!


While a nice walk outside will also count as an exercise, it will be also a great idea to share a moment with no distractions. No phones and no TV, just walking, talking and enjoying a nice view. Maybe you can start a new hobby together, like birdwatching. Another option is to go to your nearest park, a summer art walk, or just walk around one of our senior living communities. We like to provide our residents with large green areas and scenic walking trails, so they don’t need to go far to enjoy a breath of fresh air and some sunlight.

Community Events

Art galleries, local farmers markets, an outdoor concert, or a sporting event are always fun places to go during summer. No matter which city you or your family members live, there is always something fun to do waiting for you. With a little research, you’ll find something that you both will enjoy.

We love the summertime and hope you love it too. Our residents and care partners at Artis Senior Living love spending the days outside as they get longer and warmer. Do you have a favorite summer activity to share with a senior? We’d love to hear all about it.